Inspirational International examples

Inspirational International examples

Can the market (again) contribute to the availability of sustainably produced, healthy food for the widest possible group of urban consumers? In this session, will take on international perspectives on this topic.

In this session, six international delegates will discuss the contribution which markets (both covered and marketed on squares and canals) can make now and in the future to shorten the food chain and regional refocusing. Can the market (again) contribute to the availability of sustainably produced, healthy food for the widest possible group of urban consumers? What are the main obstacles in the MRA area for markets to play a role as a connecting link between regional production and urban consumption? What can we learn from the experiences in foreign metropolises such as New York City, Detroit, Hanoi, Taipei, Milan, Turin and Barcelona? The meeting has an interactive character. The session is divided into several rounds around a specific topic, such as ‘Potential of the market’, ‘State of affairs in Amsterdam and Almere’, ‘Obstacles’ and ‘Concrete lessons’. The contours of the problem and solution directions are outlined in a few short pitches.

The session is moderated by Arnold van der Valk.

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  • Break-outsessie

Dinsdag 18 juni 13.30 - 16.30
Scheepvaartmuseum, Kattenburgerplein 1, 1018 KK Amsterdam

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