Community-led housing models, like housing cooperatives and community land trusts, are not only gaining popularity among citizens, they are also a good example of how local municipalities can handle the growing problem of affordable housing. However, the availability and affordability of land is one of the complicating factors in this matter. How can we solve this? This session will be moderated by Tineke Lupi.
The city of Amsterdam wants to create more space for community-led housing models, like housing cooperatives. However, there are some hurdles to overcome: banks find it complex to finance these community-led housing models, land for new building developments is scarce and using existing buildings is complicated because most social housing associations are not (yet) investing in these forms of dwelling. In this session we will focus on the question of land. How can we make sure housing cooperatives have access to land?
In this session, we will dive deeper into the question of land when it comes to the realization of housing cooperatives. We will start with some short introductions:
The deadlock of land – Jacqueline Tellinga
Housing cooperatives in Amsterdam: the state of affairs – Maarten van Poelgeest
Amsterdam’s land policies – Marije Raap
After that, we will discuss questions like how to allocate land for housing cooperatives and how we make sure we don’t overregulate citizens initiatives.
Laurie MacFarlane will actively take part in the discussion and the thought process.
Please note that Saskia Sassen was supposed to join this session but is unfortunately unable to join this session. She will join the conference ‘A Home For Everybody – Affordable Housing as a Human Right’.