The connections, tensions and contradictions between urban inclusivity, social (in)equality and ecological (un)sustainability are sources of endless academic and public fascination and debate. In this interactive session, we use a World Café format to invite participants to share their knowledge and experiences – from their own cities and neighborhoods – with urban social (in)equalities, in/exclusion and (un)sustainability. We focus a number of specific questions on green gentrification, energy democracy and social housing.
The output of the session will be taken up in the ongoing UrbanA (Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities) project, which aims to co-creatively find innovative integrated solutions for equitable and inclusive urban areas, as well as empower “city-makers” to design and transform European cities into sustainable, inclusive and thriving urban environments. All participants in the session will receive a report of the session and (if desired) be kept informed of the outputs of the UrbanA project.