Peer-to-peer learning in practice

The basic principle of peer-to-peer learning is that it is all about students teaching other students. Instead of teachers leading the way, students themselves ask for help by other students in order to develop all kind of skills. What should we think of this learning method? Is learning without teachers the way to learn in the future? 

During this session, you are invited to watch and participate in a discussion about the pro’s and cons of peer-to-peer learning in the heart of the peer-to-peer learning centre of Amsterdam: Codam Coding College. During this evening session, which is hosted shortly after the conference ‘Leren door te doen’, we will discuss what peer-to-peer learning beholds, the pro’s and con’s, how it is implemented at Codam Coding College and in what way this method can be implemented in the current education system.

What is Codam? 

Codam is a new coding college in the heart of Amsterdam. Their mission is to help promising young women and young men become skilled digital professionals and expert programmers who can deal with the challenges of today and tomorrow. All students learn to program without teachers, in a peer-to-peer learning environment. Codam teaches you how to learn – to think, do, adapt and evolve. Please visit this college to see what is happening and discuss the peer-to-peer leaning method. For more information, please see the webpage


19.15 – 19.30 – Walk- in

  • Walk from OBA to Marineterrein, Codam.

19.30 – 19.40 – Welcome

19.40 – 20.00  – Tours through the building by students of Codam

20.00 – 21.00 – Discussion on peer-to-peer learning

  • Introduction by Catherine Madinier (Codam)
  • How is peer-to-peer learning experienced by students of Codam?
  • Discussion with amongst others Kris van den Branden (lerarenopleider KU Leuven)

21.00 – End of break-out session, drinks at Codam

Afbeelding ©Codam

Mede mogelijk gemaakt door

  • Break-outsessie
  • Open Huis

Woensdag 19 juni 19.30 - 21.30
Codam Marineterrein Amsterdam, Kattenburgerstraat 71018 JA Amsterdam

LET OP: Dit programma-onderdeel is gratis, maar er zijn beperkt plaatsen beschikbaar. Reservering is vereist.

Reserveer plaats

♿ Deze locatie is rolstoelvriendelijk