Participatory democracy is a totally different ballgame. It requires the rethinking and redesign of the ways in which we collaboratively govern and intervene in cities, but also how we deal with the revenue that is being co-created through (often voluntary) citizen initiatives and grassroot actions. Who benefits from co-creation, and how can this process become more sustainable, equitable and inclusive for all urban stakeholders? Join this brainstorm with special guest Indy Johar (Financing Civic Futures) and other experts, on how to finance inclusion within the collaborative city.
During the dayconference Common Ground we investigate how co-creation can serve an inclusive city that benefits all. In this break-out session, we specifically explore how the revenue of collaboration can come to benefit all urban stakeholders in an equitable and sustainable way.
Towards a 21st Century Civic Future Economy
“…civic capital includes a range of asset classes which we can collectively invest in with an expectation of generating civic returns — that is, returns that benefit our cities collectively…”
Special guest Indy Johar is an architect, co-founder of 00 ( and most recently Dark Matter, Studio Master at AA.
On behalf of 00, has co-founded multiple social ventures from Impact Hub Westminster to Impact Hub Birmingham, along with working with large global multinationals & institutions to support their transition to a positive Systems Economy. He has co-led research projects such as The Compendium for the Civic Economy (2011): a collective reflection on how to build more sustainable routes to shared prosperity, presenting 25 case studies of a civic economy.
More recently, Indy participates in the exploration on how to create a 21st Century Civic Future. In name of with Dark Matter (a field laboratory focused on radically redesigning the bureaucratic & institutional infrastructure of our cities, regions and towns for a more democratic, distributed great transition), he is part of the start of the Civic Capital Lab in Canada.