THE GARDENERS: taking care of the commons

Project of Irene Fortuyn/Ketter & Co

A continuation of the research exhibition De Tuin en de Tuinman in the Amstelpark.

Zone2Source is an exhibition platform for art, nature and technology in het Glazen Huis in the Amstelpark. You can visit the one year long research project GARDENERS by artist Irene Fortuyn and her foundation Ketter&Co on different locations outside in the park.

GARDENERS: taking care of the commons explores new models of governance in which the caretakers of a place (the gardeners) meet the users of that place. The whole year activities are organized in the Amstelpark which give insight in the maintenance of the park. Also the role of the gardener as educator and the user as fellow caretaker is explored in experiments and debates.

On the June 22th and 23th you’re invited to join the TUINBAZEN project cart to prune the rhodondendron valley. You can explore the Amstelpark via the senses on basis of the park explorers booklets and outside of het Glazen Huis you can play the TUINBAZEN memory game while for the children there is a Amstelpark gardeners colouring picture.


Image: Picking rhododendron valley © Jan-Kees Steenman. Courtesy of Zone2Source.

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  • Urban Expo

Saturday 22 June 12.00 - 17.00
Zone2Source, het Glazen Huis, Amstelpark 7, 1083 HZ, Amsterdam

This part of the programme is free of charge.