Designing Urban Mobility with Participatory Games

Mobility as a Commons.

How can neighborhoods meet their own mobility needs with their own physical and digital mobility solutions? In this workshop, we explore Mobility as a Commons.

People move within and between cities in unprecedented volumes for work, education, and pleasure. Capitalizing on human movement also experiences unprecedented speculation, with more than 200 billion in startup investments since 2010. With an influx of fast, cheap, and convenient mobility offerings, a steady shift is occurring from local self- determination to globalized market consolidation. We believe local self- determination is also important, with locals being able to determine the ways they want to use, build, and maintain their own mobility solutions.  In this workshop, we ask the question: How can neighborhoods determine their own mobility needs, build physical and digital mobility solutions themselves, and enrich their community through the mobility solutions they produce together?

This workshop is intended for citizen- initiatives, municipal officials, mobility providers, and anyone seeking an approach where neighborhoods determine their own mobility solutions.


Image: Mobility © Townmaking, 2019. Courtesy of Townmaking.

Mede mogelijk gemaakt door

  • Urban Talk
  • Workshop

Zaterdag 22 juni 10.00 - 14.00
Buiksloterham Circulair: Papaverweg 48, 1032 KJ, Amsterdam

LET OP: Dit programma-onderdeel is gratis, maar er zijn beperkt plaatsen beschikbaar. Reservering is vereist.

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