The Green Map of Amsterdam

The Green Map of Amsterdam brings all neighbourhood initiatives together!

An exchange of all the initiatives of Amsterdam inhabitants greening the city. With talks, meetings, round tables and an excursion to the Museumhaven. We will complete both the Green Map of Amsterdam and the digital map of Buurtgroen020.

From a facade garden to a neighborhood park, from a flower box to a shared vegetable garden: residents everywhere turn stone into greenery. How do they do that? Why are they doing that?

The Amstergaard Foundation is an initiative of residents in the Nieuwmarktbuurt and has developed a circular tank with water storage, made of city wood and planted in accordance with the principles of the food forest, for areas where you cannot go into the ground, using a modular system. worm hotels. A neglected strip of greenery was transformed in De Ruijtergaard in no time and the bins are now spreading through the city like a green beaded chain. The proceeds: clean air, water storage, biodiversity, compost and social contacts between residents and visitors and of course everything to harvest, prepare and eat together. We make the City is the time to chart what is happening in the city, what can we learn from each other, how do we ensure continuity and support? With short lectures, round table discussions, tours and action. Put your own green initiative on the Green Map of Nature Desk, and on the digital map of Buurtgroen020, walk through the Ruijtergaard with an IVN guide; make new language with Arita Baaijens from “Paradise in the Polder”, learn all about worm hotels and make a trip to the Museumhaven where 100 meters of quays are turned into a green oasis.

Credits: © Stichting Amstergaard

Credits: ©Stichting Amstergaard

  • Special

Saturday 22 June 14.00 - 17.00
Spring House: De Ruijterkade 128, 1011 AC

This part of the programme is free of charge.