Pieter Looijestijn

Pieter Looijestijn is the project manager charging infrastructure at MRA-Elektrisch, a cooperation of regional and local governments with the aim of stimulating electromobility. Since 2012 he has been one of the driving forces behind a proven pragmatic approach in which knowledge and costs are shared and tangible results are key. In his position as project manager charging infrastructure his main responsibility is for the ev-drivers in the region to have access to reliable and state of the art charging infrastructure. This requires him to have in-depth knowledge on the performance of the charging infrastructure and the needs of municipalities and ev-drivers. The experience and insights he gains as project manager are actively shared in other networks such as the EU projects EVroaming4EU and IDACS and nationally through for instance participating in the NKL-adviesraad and supporting the development of the NAL.
Source: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)