Youssef El Bouhassani

Youssef has an Msc in Aerospace Engineering from the TU Delft. He graduated from the Delft University of Technology with specialisation in Aerospace Control Systems. After his graduation he became a member of the Nationale DenkTank in 2014 on Big Data. As a spin-off of his work during the Nationale DenkTank he set up LINK Data Science: a intensive traineeship where students, academia and industry brought together to work on Big Data challenges. In 2015 he joined the Aviation Academy of the HvA and in 2016 he joined the Urban Technology research group where he worked on Smart Charging algorithms. Besides research, he teaches Machine Learning at the HvA and research skills at the TU Delft and Wageningen for PhD candidates. He is co-founder of LeerLevels, an A.I.driven learning platform to personalise learning. In 2017 he was awarded lecturer of the year of the HvA and in 2018 national lecturer of the year for higher education. In his spare time he loves to meditate and to write poems.
(Source: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)