Yassine Salihine

Yassine Salihine resides in Rotterdam where he runs his own industrial design studio. Yassine provides concept development, design and forecasting services to clients in a wide range of industries. He pushes projects forward with critical thinking, holistic design methods and thorough research that results in concrete solutions. Yassine has studied Journalism at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg. He also is an alumnus of the Post Graduate Course Industrial Design at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, which was the predecessor of the current Master. His research philosophy is deeply rooted in journalism as he was an infographics editor and head of the Infographics Department of the Dutch quality newspaper NRC Handelsblad.
Yassine expanded his research ideas at the footwear innovation institute SLEM, where he helped global players in the footwear and automotive industries with design and manufacturing innovation. Yassine is also a member of the design committee of the Dutch Creative Industries fund where he reviews grant applications with his fellow designers.
Foto: ©Merlijn Doomernik