Roland Ferwerda

Roland Ferwerda is Director of the Netherlands Knowledge Platform for Charging Infrastructure (NKL), a foundation that aims to develop a sustainable business case for public charging. NKL focuses on the development and dissemination of best practices, standards and frameworks, and policy guidelines with all involved stakeholders. He coordinates the development of the open and independent roaming protocol OCPI via the EU-co-funded programme evRoaming4EU. He is also the work package coordinator for the EU (CEF)-funded PSA project named “IDACS”, aimed at standardizing data collection and -distribution for charging point information across 15 EU-countries.
Roland has a track record in process- and data-management consultancy, loves to teach, and gained over 15 years experience in the energy sector, his last function being the director of Risk Management for Essent/Innogy. He has been involved in eMobility since 2015 and owns a MSc degree in Theoretical Physics.
Source: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)