Joris van Tubergen

Joris van Tubergen aka Rooie Joris (1977) is a designer, inventor and expert in the field of 3D printing. His knowledge and techniques are used in several projects and installations renowned by leading (international) galleries and museums. With his clear way of explaining his vision on the future of 3D printing and the future role of digital fabrication in society he is a frequently asked speaker for international and national broadcasts on television, interviews and public lectures. He teaches digital fabrication at several educational institutions a.o. TU Delft, HKU, ArtEZ and WDKA.
Joris studied Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. His very early fascination for digital production resulted in 2008 in joining the startup of Fablab Protospace in Utrecht. Until now he still is the Creative Director at Protospace. Since the start of the Fablab, he has supported the development of the RepRap – an open source 3D printer that you can build yourself. In 2010, the popular RepRap masterclasses at Protospace resulted in the development of Ultimaker: At the moment a world leading desktop 3D printer firm.