Hyebin Goo

Hyebin Goo majored in Management and Psychology. In 2012, she won a research competition held by LG corporation and her research of fab lab got a full sponsorship to go to Europe for the field research. This experience led her to get involve in the fab world and the maker spaces. She currently works at the Seoul Innovation Park Makerspace. Located within Seoul Innovation Park at Eun Pyeong-gu, Seoul, Seoul Innovation FabLab in operated with the participation of social innovators from various field: arts, technologies, culture, and education of Seoul Innovation Park and makers at home and abroad. It is a technology-based social innovation laboratory where various experiments and production are available in the wide working environment (about 500㎥): it is equipped with digital production machines, including 3D Printer, Laser Processing Machine, CNC as well as lathes, milling machines and welding machines. Seoul Innovation FabLab shares technologies and information. It aims at becoming a community of makers that solve regional problems of daily life. On average, more than 500 users are involved in Seoul Innovation FabLab every month. In total since open in June 2016, it has produced 2,000 trainees. It has been participating in global makers’ network.