Frans Bieckmann

Frans Bieckmann is the strategic advisor Fearless City Amsterdam for the municipality of Amsterdam. He will participate during the break-out session “How to Finance the Inclusive City”, which is part of the dayconference Common Ground on Wednesday June 19.
Frans is a widely recognised expert and organiser in the field of political economy, globalisation, urban internationalism, and new political trends, with excellent analytical capacities. He has many years of experience at the edge of strategic policy analysis, politics and research; as journalist, writer, evaluator and advisor of politicians and policy makers. He was the founder and director of the international online think tank The Broker. He has a very broad international network of academics, policy makers, politicians, journalists, social movements, and non-governmental organisations. Frans conceptualised, founded and led The Broker since 2007. He built it on his previous work on policy coherence for development and his geopolitical and political-economic analyses. In the past year he worked as freelancer advisor, writer, and activist on urban internationalism and tax justice.