Arjan van Timmeren

Van Timmeren is a professor at Delft University of Technology and Scientific Director of the joint initiative ‘AMS Institute’ (Institute for ‘Advanced Metropolitan Solutions’) by TUD (Delft), MIT (Boston) and WUR (Wageningen). He’s a speaker at the Urban Conference Up Close and Liveable on Friday, June 21.
The Institute in Amsterdam works together with public and private stakeholders and citizen(platforms). AMS Institute is a Knowledge institute with at the moment over a hundred research projects and an approximate turnover of over sixty million euro on projects related to circularity, mobility, resilience, data and intelligence and several other fields relevant for metropolitan areas from the perspective of sustainability and urban intelligence.
Over the years his work has focused on the integration of the concept of sustainable development and inclusiveness in the field of architecture, urbanism and building technology in both practice and academia, with emphasis on Smart cities, and -citizens, Urban Metabolism (Green-Blue systems) and Circular Economy. He is project leader of many European and national research projects and publishes regularly on these. Arjan van Timmeren has seats in several (inter)national steering groups, quality teams, scientific boards and is lecturing all over the globe.
Please check ‘Ubikquity and the Illuminated City’ regarding his view on urban intelligence and his latest book and platform launched ‘Under Pressure: Water and the City’ regarding the specific theme of water.